We Believe
Sometimes it’s hard to find the words to express what you believe and why you believe it. We Believe is a huge project by Higher Things full of videos, articles, and studies to help reinforce what we believe. It’s your Bible explained. It’s your Small Catechism standing against the questions of today. Each quarter, we tackle a topic and you get many voices pointing to the same gifts of Christ Jesus our Lord. Join us on YouTube, sign up for content email blasts, listen to sermons, and grow in faith and understanding.
we believe: sermons for you
Listen to Law and Gospel rightly divided. Listen to God’s promises given to sinners. Watch it all come together as artists draw what the Spirit speaks through preachers. Sermons For You takes the same Gospel proclaimed at conferences, brings it to you at home, and gives you something to fix your eyes upon while you listen. Jesus for your ears. Jesus for your eyes. Sermons For You.
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- We Believe: Sermons for you
- We Believe: Video Shorts