Who is your neighbor?
Anyone who isn’t you.
Even people you don’t know or like!
But you CAN still love them.
The Second Table of the Commandments (4-10) aren’t just rules—they’re ways to show love in everyday life.
You see, loving your neighbor isn’t about huge, glorious, grand gestures. It’s about everyday life.
In fact, we actually love our neighbor through the little things – the daily, mundane tasks as we go about our daily life.
Think about Jesus and what he did for you.
Most of it wasn’t glorious.
He lived as you do – a flesh and blood human being in this world gone wrong.
He experienced all that you do….so that he could then do what you cannot – giving his life for yours.
Jesus loved you to death and life again.
Loving those around you in actions and words is a perfectly acceptable way to show your love and thanksgiving.
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