Who are you?
We can look to the Apostles Creed for so many of the answers to this question.
You are, created by God…
Not a mistake
Not random
Your conception and your birth was not a mistake.
Unlike the rest of creation, which was spoken into existence, God created man by getting into the dirt and the mud and breathing life into him.
And when it’s time to create Eve, he takes Adam’s rib and does the same thing.
God is a great creator. He’s a great artist.
And as with anyone who makes something, the worst thing that can happen is that their creation becomes broken and damaged.
God’s very good creation didn’t stay very good.
But God is…
A good God
A good artist
A good creator
A good craftsman
He’s going to fix it.
Jesus was not plan B. God meant to do it.
when we’re discussing identity to remember that not only are we created, we are created personally and we are created by a God who does not do things on accident. He does not make a person on accident. Our birth, our conception is not a mistake. We are not random.
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