Church, What’s In It For Me?

We’ve all had that thought…

Church – what’s in it for me?

Yes, of course, church is…

The place where God’s word is proclaimed to you.
Where you receive the very body and blood of Christ.
Where we sing hymns and psalms together as the community of Christ.

But these aren’t the only reason we go to worship.

Instead of thinking what’s in it for me, we should hear the admonition of Paul in Galatians chapter 6, where he says ‘bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.’

Worship is a communal experience.

God brings us together as a community…

…not only so that we can be fed and nourished by Christ.

But also so that God can work in and through each one of us to serve and love our neighbors in that place.

Your church is God’s gift for you.

Through the church, you have opportunities to interact with brothers and sisters in the faith and to encourage one another.

Through the church and through your presence in worship, God is working through you to serve your neighbors there, and he is working through all of them to serve you.

Being part of God’s church is essentially important to your identity in Christ.

Contributor Chad Hoover is the Campus Pastor at Concordia Lutheran High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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