Ever felt on top of the world only to crash right after?
Elijah did, too.
In 1 Kings, Chapter 18-19, we read about Elijah, a prophet of God.
God used Elijah to speak his Word and to call King Ahab and Queen Jezebel to repentance and faith from all of the prophets of Baal.
It is through Elijah that he brings forth this contest and competition between Elijah, the prophet of God, and Those priests of Baal to make a sacrifice.
And whoever’s sacrifice was accepted, whoever can end the drought, that will be the true God.
And of course, if you know the story, Elijah wins this contest and competition.
And in his victory he gathers all of those priests of the prophet of Baal and he slaughters them.
Elijah wins.
He goes out on top.
He has done what God has commanded.
He has cleansed Israel of false priests and prophets.
Now the true God can be the one and only God of Israel.
But Jezebel the queen is not so happy.
Her God has been defeated.
And she is angry with Elijah.
She seeks to kill him, and so Elijah runs away in fear.
He acts…
As though he can do nothing.
In fact, he runs out to a tree and he begs God to take his life.
Then he runs into a cave where he sulks.
He goes from an extreme high to an extreme low in such crippling doubt that he can do nothing when God does come to him.
Yet, even in Elijah’s doubt, weakness, human weakness, and frailty, God comes.
God sends forth a low whisper, a comforting word for Elijah, that..
Elijah is God’s prophet.
Elijah is not alone in the nation of Israel.
Elijah has more work to do.
Elijah, even in his doubt and depression, is loved and will be made great again by God.
Even in our weakness and our frailty, we are loved.
Even to us, God comes in the flesh to die and to rise, comes to us in body and blood to forgive us, to make us great again so that one day we will have glory with him in his kingdom.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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