Jezebel: From Queen to Doggie Dung

How does God deal with His enemies?

The story of Queen Jezebel in 2nd Kings, Chapter 9 shows us.

Jezebel was evil.

She tried to kill Elijah and orchestrated the death of Naboth so she could steal his vineyard for her husband Ahab.

Jehu comes by God’s bidding to take care of business.

He comes to Jezebel’s home, and when she’s leaning out the window, Jehu calls to her servants….who push her out the window!!!

Even the servants of Jezebel must not like her very much, right?!!


Falls to the ground
Has her blood splattered on the wall the horse’s legs
Is trampled by the horses
Abandoned by her servants on the ground
Eaten by dogs
Reduced to doggie dung in the end.

No, God doesn’t play games with his enemies.

Not with…

The Egyptians
Nor sin, or death, or the devil

God comes out victorious, victorious over Jezebel, victorious over sin and death, and the devil for you, so that he and his people triumph in everlasting life at peace forever.

Contributor Brett Simek is the pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church Rantoul, in Hilbert, WI.

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