Whose Work is Baptism?

Ever wondered if Baptism is something *we* do?

Or is it something *done* to us?

Let’s break it down👇

St. Paul says, “As many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27).

Notice that? It’s in the PASSIVE voice—meaning Baptism isn’t something you do for yourself.

It’s something that *happens* to you.

But who’s doing it?

1 Peter 3:21 reminds us that Baptism *saves*.

And if it’s saving us, then it’s not just some human ritual.

It’s God’s work. 💯

In Baptism, God is the one at work, giving us life and salvation through the water and His Word.

It is God’s gift to us, not something we achieve on our own.

So next time you think about Baptism, remember: It’s God working in you, for you.

So, remember, baptism is a gift from God, not something we achieve.

It’s God’s way of making us new in Christ. 🕊️

Contributor Chris Brademeyer is Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oakes, ND.

#Baptism #Faith #GodsWork #GenZFaith #ChristianLife

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