Am I “On Fire” Enough For God? Or Should I Get Re-Baptized?”

Ever meet someone who’s so passionate for Jesus that it makes you question your own faith?

Maybe you wonder, “Should I get re-baptized because I’m not feeling that same passion?”

Here’s the truth: Baptism isn’t about how you feel—it’s about what God has done.

We don’t need to get re-baptized or to ‘re-dedicate’ ourselves because…

It’s not our work.

Your baptism wasn’t a one-time hype event.

It was God’s promise that you’re already washed clean and given new life in Him.

Remember, it’s not about *feeling* saved; it’s about *knowing* you’re saved because God has already done the work.

No do-overs needed.

Contributor Merritt Demski is the Pastor at St. John’s in Alta, Iowa.

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