What Baptism is NOT. ❌
1️⃣ Baptism is not an outward sign of an inward change. 🔄❎
It is an actual working of the Holy Spirit — giving us faith, raising us to life, regenerating us, and making us new. (See Acts 2:38-39.) 🕊️💖✨
It is more than a sign. ⚠️
2️⃣ Another baptism myth goes like this: Once you’re baptized, you can do whatever you want for the rest of your life and still go to heaven. 🤔🌈
AKA, “Once Saved, Always Saved.” 🔐
But here’s the plot twist: The gift of baptism is an amazing gift from God, but just like any gift, it can be rejected. 🎁🙅♂️
It’s not a “get out of jail free” card for life.🚫You can’t just YOLO your way through everything after.
And rejecting baptism means rejecting Jesus.💔
❓So, what is Baptism? 💦
In baptism . . .
➕ We are connected to everything that happened on the cross on Good Friday. ✝️
➕We are connected to the joy of Easter Sunday, knowing that our sins are forgiven. 🎺
➕God gives you faith and implants new life. 🌱
➕God gives you salvation and the forgiveness of all of your sins. 🕊️
Contributor Randy Sturzenbecher is Pastor at Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church in Blackhawk, SD, and serves as President of the Higher Things Board of Directors.
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