✝️So, you believe in Jesus. You believe He saves you from your sins 🐲and gives you eternal life.🌅
But how does Jesus do that? Through the waters of baptism. 🌊✨
💧 It’s there, in those waters, that He meets you.🤝
Just like He was baptized, you’re baptized too — through water, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. In that moment, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all working together to claim you as God’s own.🫂
💡 Here’s the incredible part: in baptism, Jesus actually swaps with you. 🔄 He takes on your sin, guilt, and imperfection, and in return, He gives you His holiness and perfection. ✨
❓ How can something as simple as water and a few words do all of that? And do you really get these amazing gifts just like that — for free? Is there something you have to do? ⚖️
🔑 Faith is key. In order to receive those gifts, you must have faith in God’s words and promises. Without faith, those promises do you no good.
💯 Faith = trust. Faith says, “Amen!” — believing that God does what He says He does. 🙏💪
👶 This is why even a tiny infant can have faith. God’s promise creates that faith in the waters of baptism. Faith is a gift from the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life and faith. 🌊🔥
❓What does baptism require of you?🤔
🚫 Don’t call God a liar
🚫 Don’t reject His promises
✅Believe and trust that God is who He says He is
✅Trust in what He does, in the way He does it
So, when God says, “These waters make you my child,” it’s true! 💯
It’s not about what you do; it’s about what He’s already done for you.💯
🌊 In baptism, you’re marked, redeemed, and made new in the name of Jesus. Amen! 🙏
Contributor Brett Simek is the pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church Rantoul, in Hilbert, WI.
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