Do you love what we are doing here at Higher Things? Would you like to support Higher Things with your time, talents, or treasure?
That sounds great because God hasn’t just given adults to support youth. He gives you each other as well. Here are a few ways to contribute.
Please pray for all people, youth, and young adults who do not know Christ, that they may hear His Word and believe. Pray that the least of these would always hear His promise of mercy, the sinner would hear His promise of forgiveness, and those suffering under the assaults of the devil, the world, and our own sinful flesh would always find the peace that surpasses understanding in the same Jesus Christ who died that we would live. Pray for Higher Things, that God would keep us steadfast in His Word and bold to proclaim the Law and Gospel in their fullness to all who will hear.
O Lord God, dear Father in heaven, send forth Your Holy Spirit to call, gather, enlighten, sanctify, and keep those who walk in darkness. Grant us hope that our Good Shepherd seeks the lost, and make us bold to point to the fruits of His Cross given freely to sinners in His Church. Support and sustain all who proclaim the Gospel and assure them that Your Word never returns void. Grant that Christ Crucified be our hope, our joy, and our peace, now and evermore, through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.
If you see something you like on our website or on your social media account, please share with others that they may hear the Good News, too!
If you are a young adult, 18-22 years old, you can volunteer to help us run one of our summer conferences as a CCV (College Conference Volunteer). And no, you don’t have to be in college, you just need to be in that age range. Click here to apply.
Can you draw? Do you like to write? Are you an influencer who loves making and sharing videos? What other talents do you have? Email and tell us how you would like to use your talents to help us share the gifts of Jesus with others!
Designate your dollars at: Thrivant
Use this link to support Higher Things® when shopping on Amazon. Amazon Smile
You can mail us a check at:
Higher Things, Inc.
PO Box 155
Holt, MO 64048