Christ in Psalm 36: Repentance and the Steadfast Love of God

🌟 Psalm 36 🌟

✍️ Written by David for the choir master
🎶 This means that the people of God sang this song together as they gathered in the temple to worship Yahweh. 🙌

💡 What we learn from Psalm 36…

V2: It says that man “flatters himself in his own evil eyes,” so he can’t even see his own iniquity, nor can he understand the depth of his own hatred for God. 😔

⚠️ These are words that we need to hear: the deceit 🌀 we find in our own hearts. We do not act wisely, but according to our own good. 🤷‍♂️

V8-9: We find Christ. Compare to…
👉 John 6: When Jesus talks about being the living bread 🍞 that comes down from heaven, and those who eat it and by faith receive it will live forever.
👉 John 4: When Jesus talks to the woman at the well, saying that He would give her living water 💧 and she would never thirst again.
👉 John 1: Where Jesus is referred to as the light 💡 that is the life of men.

V10-12: A reminder to sing out to God 🎤 — asking for the deliverance that He has already given us in Christ. ✝️

🙏 We are reminded of who we are in Christ.

🛑 We shouldn’t make a big deal out of ourselves (like the arrogant do), but rather humble ourselves before God in repentance. 🙇‍♂️

❤️ We receive God’s steadfast love that provides for all we need.

🙌 It reaches to the heavens — more abundant and present than we could even begin to hope or imagine in Christ.

We have the promise that we will rise 🌅.

❓How do we pray this psalm?

🙏Pray that these words would be a blessing to you as you sing with God’s people of the greatness of the steadfast love of God ❤️ that we see manifest, given to you in Christ the Lord, in His cross ✝️, in His death and resurrection for you, as He not only serves as the host of the feast 🍷🍞 but the food and drink — His very body and blood — keeping us in faith ✨ and nurturing us along the way to the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. 🌟

Contributor Rev. Jason Schockman is Associate Pastor at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Oconomowoc, WI.

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