If Jesus Died On the Cross, Why Do We Need to Be Baptized?

✨ Ever wondered why baptism is such a big deal if Jesus already won the victory for us? 🤔

It’s like digging a hole in your backyard.

You can use a shovel, a spoon (ouch!), or even get creative with a stick of dynamite!

Each way is a “means” to get the job done.

This is why we talk about the Means of Grace – ‘grace’ being God’s gifts.

What are the means by which God chooses to share His gifts with us?

The Word
The Lord’s Supper
And then Baptism

In the gift of baptism, Jesus takes what is his and he makes it yours.

Jesus pours out his Holy Spirit upon you.

The Spirit whose task it is to…

Create faith in your heart
Lead you to repentance
Strengthen you in your faith daily

That gift is given in the waters of baptism.

Yes, it’s true, Jesus died on the cross to forgive your sins.

Baptism applies that gift to you.

It makes it yours.
It puts it into your hands
Literally into your heart
Into your body

As you are now a child of God.

It’s a wonderful gift.

Steve Andrews Jr is pastor of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Lee’s Summit, MO.

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