Is It a Sin to Be Mad at God? | Psalm 13

❓Is it a sin to be mad at God? 🤔

Let’s see what Psalm 13 teaches us… 📖

Psalm 13 starts out real angry: 😡

“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?” 😞

David is furious with God because he actually expects good from Him, and he’s not finding it. 🔥

❓The question is not whether or not it’s a sin to be angry with God, but what you do with the anger.

What God doesn’t want: for us to pretend we’re fine with something we’re not fine with. ❌

He is furious with God because he expects good, and he’s honest towards God about it. 💬

Psalm 13 is not only permission for you to express your anger towards God, but it’s actually sort of a command. 📜 (Ponder that!) 🤯

When you are mad at God, tell him! 🙏

Notice the tenses. 🕒

When David is mad and everything is going wrong, he speaks in the present tense. 😣⏳

But David finds comfort in the past tense: 🔙

“I have trusted in your steadfast love. My heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.” 🎶

God’s promises of old that have already been fulfilled, and the promise that God has made to you is that you ARE redeemed. ✝️

You’re allowed to pray as if God has forgotten you, but you’re not allowed to forget the fact that he remembered you on the cross. ✝️

Pray the 13th Psalm. Recognize that even in this moment when you’re scared you have words to speak, and you have a place to direct them. 💬

But you also have an answer to your anger. 💡

You have something to hang on to when the right now is just not working. 🤝

Recognize that our Lord has already answered you. ✨

And there, you can find great peace. ☮️

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

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