Reflections: Friday of the Third Week after Trinity

Daily Lectionary: Proverbs 31:10-31; John 21:1-25

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)

In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. The world has much to say to young people about who they are and what they should look for in life.

In recent years, this advice has gone from bad to awful. Our country has closed its eyes to the fact that God made human beings male and female, and that He gives a man and a woman into marriage. When these basic truths are lost, life gets harder for those who believe in Christ. How do we live in light of what is good when our society willingly calls good evil, and evil good?

Proverbs 31 speaks to us about what is true and valuable in life. The woman in this chapter is a believer in God. She’s forgiven in Christ and He works in her to bear fruit in the good works she does for her family and neighbors.

The wife described here isn’t saved because she rises early to work and cares for her household well. She’s saved by God’s grace. No woman does all these things all the time. But this chapter is of great value because it speaks honestly about the type of good works that are available to a married woman. She cares for her husband and children (if God gives them). She works diligently in whatever vocation she has. She cares for the poor, and she instructs others using words of wisdom and kindness.

A married life between a godly husband and wife is wise and beautiful. It provides tremendous opportunities to give and receive love. It helps protect you against the troubles of traveling through this sin-broken world. You’ll rarely receive praise from the world for being a godly wife. But you will receive praise from the man whom you love and the children you share. Or you will receive praise from a wife who loves and values you as a husband.

Proverbs 31 doesn’t promise you things will work out in the way it describes. Not everyone marries or has children. But it does guide you to be a woman (or a man!) who trusts in God for salvation and serves her family in love. If you don’t marry and have children, you haven’t failed. The Proverbs 31 woman had several vocations where she served others in love. Christ is always your Lord and He strengthens you in whichever way He provides. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.

Then here will I and mine today A solemn promise make and say: Though all the world forsake His Word, I and my house will serve the Lord! (“Oh Blest the House” LSB 862, st.5)

Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Duane Bamsch