Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16
Daily Lectionary: Exodus 33:1-23; Luke 7:1-17
For thus says the LORD God: “Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep and will seek them out.” (Ezekiel 34:11)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. The LORD spoke these words to Ezekiel the prophet because God’s under-shepherds had neglected His people. They were unfaithful shepherds, unreliable, not feeding the sheep, but only feeding themselves (Ezekiel 34:2). The LORD would not stand for it and announced His solution: He Himself would be the shepherd of His sheep, His people (Ezekiel 34:15). God has stood by this resolution ever since.
But really?! The last time I checked, my pastor was just a man. Where is God as shepherd? The answer is that while it is true that your pastor is “just a man,” he serves in a way that is not his own. The called and ordained pastor serves in the Office of Christ, by the authority of Christ, and through the Word and Sacraments of Christ. What the pastor speaks is Christ’s Word, not his own.
Luke 10:16 records the words of Jesus when He spoke to the first under-shepherds who were genuine and true–that is, who would be as Christ to God’s people: “The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” Okay, but how do we recognize the true under-shepherds who bring the Chief Shepherd Christ? The answer is quite clear: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Always “test the spirits,” that is, test whether what is being preached and taught is in accord with the Word of Christ. Be as the Bereans were. What did they do when they heard Paul preach? Acts 17:11b tells us, “They received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”
So, at the end of the day, we know that Christ is shepherding us through His Word! The sheep of God follow the True Shepherd because “they know his voice” (John 10:4). “A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” But we do know the voice of Christ so that we recognize the true under-shepherds who give us Christ, the Chief Shepherd. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
O God, by Your almighty Word You set in order all things in heaven and on earth. Put away from us all things hurtful, and give us those things that are beneficial for us; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our LORD, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Duane Bamsch