Today’s Reading: Introit for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity
(Psalm 47:3, 6-8; antiphon: vs.1-2)
Daily Lectionary: 1 Samuel 1:1-20; Galatians 5:1-26
He subdued peoples under us, and nations under our feet. (From the Introit for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. It’s hard to sing praises to our King who puts all nations under our feet when we’re not even happy with our own country. It would be a gift to the Church if we cared about false doctrine the way we care about the faults of the other political party. It would be a gift to your conscience, if you considered what it looked like when all things were put under Christ’s feet, especially if
you’ve been unhappy with the leaders God has given you at one time or another.
“He worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:20-23).
Christ rose from the dead and Pilate still ruled Jerusalem. Christ was risen when the Church hid in catacombs. Christ is risen when the president you’d never vote for is in office. All things are under His feet. If you can only imagine God being able to reign over nations you approve of, you’ll have to discount most of Scripture, where even evil kings are used for God’s purposes, not to build a utopia on earth, but to save sinners from the last great enemy, death.
His kingdom is not of this world. Please. Stop responding with, “But what if we build it” and start saying, “Amen.” If you want to see your God upon His throne, look to the ascension, not the 24-hour news. You can’t find a country on earth where God isn’t capable of forgiving sins. You can’t find a leader on earth who can keep you in the tomb when God says “rise.” Even where the Church faces persecution, the Word cannot be bound. Our prayers are not just for peaceful times, but for comfort in the knowledge that even if we’ve been unhappy with politics in the last few years, our God is still working forgiveness, life, and salvation. Christ is risen from the dead. All things were put under His feet. You are united with Him in this resurrection, so in the same way, all the nations are put under yours. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
And when in pow’r He comes, Oh, may our native land From all its rending tombs Send forth a glorious band, A countless throng, With joy to sing To heav’n’s high King (“Before You, Lord, We Bow” LSB 966, st.5)
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Duane Bamsch