What It Means to Be United With Christ in Baptism | Lutheran Baptism Questions

🌿 At Lutheran funerals, pastors place a funeral pall over the casket.

Then the words from Romans 6 are read: “If we have been united with Christ in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” ✨

💧 In the waters of holy baptism, you are united with Christ in his death, but you are also united with him in his resurrection. ✝️

Hallelujah! That means you’re going to rise, too! 🙌

That is who you are in the waters of holy baptism — one who doesn’t die. 🌊

You never go bad. You’re eternal. There’s no expiration date on you. You’re in Christ. 🌅

You live forever because you’re baptized, because you’re loved, because you’re claimed. 💖

Your baptism is Jesus putting it right in your face that he loves you, that you are claimed, you are redeemed, you are eternal. 🌟

We get to live forever — might as well start loving it right now. 💙

Contributor Chris Hull is the senior pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church and Student Center in Macomb, IL.

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