What Makes a Baptism Valid?

Ever wondered what makes a baptism legit?

It’s not just about the water—though that’s part of it!

Here’s the scoop:

1️⃣ **Water**—It’s essential, but it’s not about scrubbing away dirt. The word “baptize” comes from the Greek, meaning to cleanse. But this isn’t a physical cleanse; it’s spiritual.

2️⃣ **The Word**—Jesus, in Matthew 28, set baptism as the way to receive forgiveness. It’s God’s promise to us.

3️⃣ **A Sinner**—Yep, that’s us….ALL of us. In Acts 2, Peter tells the crowd to “repent and be baptized” for the forgiveness of sins.

Baptism gives the forgiveness of sins it connects a person to Christ by means of faith Which is given by the Holy Spirit.

So, Baptism isn’t just a ritual.

It’s a gift of faith, connecting us to Christ, because He has instituted the waters of holy baptism, and He actually works the forgiveness of sins and the gift of faith in the Holy Spirit through this means of grace.

Contributor Chad Hoover is the Campus Pastor at Concordia Lutheran High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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